How does normal hearing develop?
● The auditory system structures start to develop at 8-9 weeks of gestation
● By 16-18 weeks of gestation, the auditory system starts functioning and the fetus starts hearing sounds
● The structural parts of the auditory system develop in the first 20 weeks of gestation and the neurosensory part develops after the 20th week of gestation.
● The period from the 25th week of gestation to 5-6 months age is the most critical period for developing auditory systems.
● Unlike the visual system, the auditory system requires outside auditory stimulation like speech, music, voices, meaningful sounds for optimal development.
● Babies’ hearing is fully functional from birth. It is very important to know what to expect as a baby grows because hearing problems can go unnoticed for a long period of time and can cause a significant delay in the develop
Absolute Red Flags in the Development of Hearing, speech, and language need immediate attention.
● No response to sound at any age
● No vocalisation by 6 months
● No polysyllabic babbling by 12 months
● No spontaneous single words by 18 months
● No spontaneous phrases by 24 months
● No spontaneous sentences by 36 months
● Any loss of babbling, single words or phrases at any age
● Any loss of comprehension, including responding to name, at any age.
● Poor voice quality at any age