- Have regular times for meals with some flexibility
- Encourage the child to eat well at mealtimes.
- Give balanced diet including all food groups.
- Serve a rainbow of colourful seasonal and local fruits and vegetables.
- Have at least one family meal together.
- Avoid distraction like T.V /mobile during meal time.
- Encourage table manners
- Limit time taken to finish meal.. usually 20-30mts
- Encourage regular water intake specially in winter
- Encourage good dental hygiene.
- Give sweets in small quantities post meals and infrequently.
- Add ghee in traditional Indian meals like dals and chapathi.
- Avoid processed and packaged food.
- Avoid large gaps in between meals or skipping meals
- Don’t offer food at frequent intervals which kills appetite at meal times.
- Avoid packed and processed food.
- Be cautious of choking hazards…nuts,hard candies,popcorn etc.
- Don’t give fruits and veg juices instead of whole fruit.
- Don’t feed child while watching TV/ mobile screen.
- Discourage running around room while eating.
- Cooking seperate meals if they refuse what is already made.
- Don’t allow mealtimes to carry on for more than half an hour.
- *Don’t give alternative to water when child is thirsty.